Our Mission & Vision

The SALT Center is a fee-based academic support program that inspires students with mild to moderate learning and attention challenges to succeed in higher education. Through the provision of comprehensive academic support services, the SALT Center encourages student engagement, self-awareness, and growth.

Established in 1980, the SALT Center is a leading international model of success in higher education for students with learning and attention challenges.

Our Approach

Our innovative approach is recognized world-wide as one of the most successful for promoting student achievement in the university setting. Our primary services include:
Student being tutored

Student Support Specialists

Meet weekly with a specialist to receive individualized assistance with educational planning, goal setting, time management, organization, and learning strategies.
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students with laptop at tech bar


Get help with developing strategies specific to your needs and strengths through hands-on visual and auditory learning techniques to enhance your work.
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A presentation being given to students

Workshops & Seminars

Attend small group sessions to learn new skills and strategies compatible with your individual learning style.
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A student is being helped with their tech

Educational Technology

Access a variety of educational and assistive technology with support and training to help expand your knowledge and empower your academic success.
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A Psychological Services consultation

Psychological & Wellness Services

Our solution-focused therapy model helps you set your own pace as your work towards your goals.
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Today, more than 550 University of Arizona students with learning disabilities (LD), Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) and a range of other learning differences utilize SALT Center services to help fulfill their dream of earning a college degree.

Our Supplemental Programs & Services

Dr. Vasquez working with a student

ABLE Clinic

ABLE clinic offers various services including evaluations for neurodevelopmental disorders, assistance with cognitive, emotional & physical difficulties and vocational assessments to help with determining an individual's ability to work and the accommodations they may need to succeed.
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Display of Mind Map

Bartlett Labs

Bartlett Labs collaborates with researchers across a variety of disciplines to advance our understanding of factors that influence college success outcomes, assessing our services in order to implement robust research-driven practices into our core model.
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Online class

SALT Center Online

We support University of Arizona students enrolled through Arizona Online or through distance education partnerships with community colleges in the Near You Network. Students can choose from three Coaching Plans to customize the level of support that best meets their needs.
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Peer Mentor Program

Our Peer Mentor Program connects incoming students with more experienced students to help them navigate the transition to the university setting and support their integration.
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Young women surrounding and petting a white Poodle dog.

Social Events Team

Our Social Events Team organizes activities and outings to help students make friends and discover interesting sites around campus and the community.
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A student ambassador speaking with a student

Student Ambassadors

Our Student Ambassador program is a paid position which gives students the opportunity to develop professionally as they represent the SALT Center during high school visits, college fairs, and weekly information sessions.
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Our Principles and Promise

It is our promise to use the following principles to guide our programs, our services, and our interactions as we strive to support every student at the SALT Center.

Principle 1: Every individual lies on a spectrum of neurological diversity, physical ability, and human experience, which grows and changes over time.
We will meet you wherever you are on that spectrum, and use your current skills and self-awareness to help you develop as a learner. 
Principle 2: Individuals become great by choice, not by chance. 
We can assist you in becoming great when you are ready to be great.
Principle 3: All individuals can learn when given the opportunity.

We cheer for you when you succeed and prompt you when it is time to self-regulate. 

Principle 4: Individuals have the potential to grow in ways they never thought possible and to exceed their own expectations.

We challenge you to aspire to the highest possible level of achievement.

Principle 5: Each individual has a valuable and unique life-story.

We understand the importance of taking the time to listen to and respect your story. 

Principle 6: Learning is the act or process of acquiring new knowledge or skills.

We guide you as you discover new ideas, integrate new concepts, and practice new routines in order to learn new things. 

Principle 7: The learning process is an interactive partnership that is driven by the learner.

We partner with you to accomplish your goals. 

Principle 8: Facilitating solutions is a critical part of the learning process.

We explore solutions with you as you confront challenges.

Principle 9: Encouragement inspires people to achieve their potential.

We will always encourage you.

Principle 10: Learning is impacted by one's level of engagement, by their environment, and by their community.

We strive to create an optimal learning environment that fosters engagement and a sense of community.

Principle 11: Each individual is responsible for their own thoughts and behaviors. 

We help you hold yourself accountable for your behaviors, responses, and expectations.