Mary Beth Eustice

Role at the SALT Center: As a Senior Coordinator for Academic Intervention Services, I help students set goals toward to strengthening their academic skills and then work with them to meet those goals. These academic skills include things like time management, writing, test taking, and study strategies. I also oversee our educational technology program. I assist students with apps for text to speech, note taking, transcription, mind mapping, and more.
Education: The University of Arizona, M.A., Information Resources & Library Science; Post-Bac., Secondary Education, English; B.A., Creative Writing
Hometown: Tucson, Arizona
Professional Associations: UA Cross-Campus groups - LATTE (Learning and Teaching with Technology) and WIT (Women in Technology)
Activities/Interests: I grew up here amongst the saguaros where I revel in the scent of creosote after a thunderstorm. I love to play with my dog Saber, & I enjoy spending time with my sons watching superhero movies, chatting about science, and laughing at memes. On the side, I work on writing projects, including screenplays, stories, and lyrics. When I’m not writing or hunting for the latest educational apps, I love to listen to music and play piano.